Muhammad is not the father of any men among you, but he is Allaah
Rasool and the seal of all Arnbiyaa (after whom there shall neyer come
another Nabi). Allaah has knowledge of all things. {Surah Ahzaab, verse 40)
0 Nabi! We have certainly sent you as a witness (who will bear testimony
against the Kufhar of all nations on [he Day of Qlyaamah), a carrier of good
news (to the Mukineen that they will enjoy Jannah), a Warner (to the Kuflaar that
they will suffer the punishment of Jahannam if they do not accept Imaan) and as
a caller to Allaah by His command and an illuminating lantern (who lit up
the world filled with the darkness of kufi and Shirk with the light of Imaan and
also produced the Sahabah a guiding stars to guide people after him).
{Surah Ahzaab, verses 45.46)
(1) Targheeb wat Tarheeb Vol. 1 Pg. 44.
(2) Tabraani and Abu Nu'aym in "Hilya"
(3) Kanzul Ummaal Vol. 1 Pg. 47.
(4) Muslim.
(5) Daar Qutni.
(6) Sajzi.
Verily We have sent you (0 Rasulullaah w) as a witness (to testify to the
actions of people on the Day of Qiyaamah), a carrier of good news (to the
Mumineen) and a warner (to the Kuffaar) so that you (O people) believe in Allaah, believe in His Rasool, assist Him (His Deen), revere Him and glorify Him
morning and evening. {Surah Fatah, verses 8,9)
Undoubtedly We have sent you (0 Muhammad ) with the truth, as a carrier
of good news (to those who believe you) and as a warner (to those who refuse to
believe you). You will not be questioned about the people of the Blaze (about
those in the fire of Jahannam. Allaah shall not ask you why they did not
believe because your duty is to give them the message and not to force them to
believe).{Surah Baqara, verse 1 19)
Verily We have sent you (0 Rasuul) with the truth, as a carrier of good
news (to the Mulmineen) and (as) a warner (to the Kuffaar). (Your duty is nothing
strange to people because) A Warner (who cautioned people about the
consequences of kufr) passed in every nation.{Surah Faatir, verse 24)
We have sent you (0-- Muhammad to the whole of mankind only as a carrier
of good news and a warner (and not as one who has to force people to accept
Imaan). However, most people (the KufXaaar) do not know (that you are Allaah true Nabi)
{Surah Saba, verse 28)
We have sent you (0 Rasulullaah) only as a carrier of good news (to the
Mu'mineen) and a warner (to the Kuffaaar).{Surah Furqoon, verse 5-6 )
We have sent you (0 Muhammad w) as a mercy to the universe (to show
mercy towards mankind, jinn and creation at large by guiding them to the path
ofsalvation {SurahA mbiyaa, verse 107)
Source: Hayaatus-Sahaabah
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