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Friday, September 08, 2017

Now That You Are Celebrating, It's Important To Know that


You've gone to the Eid ground, you prayed, you came back home and your phone is full of pictures; and those of yourself are uncountable, in different styles and positions.

'you look cute', you got as a compliment, you smiled and felt fulfilled. Well, you want to show the world that your wears were second to none. The young lady want to dress to kill her male counterparts. Now, your WhatsApp and Facebook display pictures and your statuses are counting in tens, others, hundreds.
Let us reason together, brethren!

Have you heard of cases were innocent people were seen in pornographic scenes and movies and they didn't engage in such obscenities, have you heard of such?
Have you notice hired killers and assassins trace their victims with their pictures? You could easily be detected and traced, and there is wisdom in obeying the Prophet.

1- Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet said:
”إن الذين يَصْنَعُون هذه الصُّـوَرَ يُـعذَّبون يومَ القيامةِ فَيُقال لهم: أَحْيُوا ما خلقتم
 Those who make these images will be severely punished on the Day of Qiyaamah, and they will be instructed: 'give lives to what they've created'”
Reference: Saheehul Jaami' no. 1695.

2 - The Prophet salla LLAAHU alayhi wa sallam said from the narration of Ibn Mas'uud, may ALLAAH show him HIS pleasure:

”أشدُّ النَّاسِ عَذابًا يَوْمَ القيامة رجل قتل نبيا أو قتله نبيّ أو رجل يُضِلُّ النّاسَ بغير علم أو مصوّر يصوّر التماثيل

The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Qiyaamah, are:
  - a man who killed a Prophet, or a Prophet killed him,
  - a man who send people astray without knowledge,
  - and a man who make images (and sculptures)".
  Reference: Saheehah no. 281, Saheehul Jaami' no. 1000.

There are so many ahaadeeth on this subject, but let us be OK with these two.

 It is enough a sin to be counted alongside the one who killed a Prophet. You know? So, avoid pictures and take down those you have.
 The image is the first reason idol worship started in the world. This could be understood from the 'athar' of Ibn Abbaas in the saheeh. Pictures may be pardonable when it is necessarily unavoidable, such as when it is for national security need, banking, travels, etc.
As a sister, you have those half-naked pictures and then your phone is mixing. You cry woe? What are you doing with those pictures in the first place?

Ibn Abbaas prevented a man from image making, even though that was his means of livelihood. And he said some like "if you must make images, then trees, mountains...".
The Prophet refused to enter the house because there was an image drawn on the curtain, until it was removed. So, don't we reflect? If it was OK, would the Prophet react thus?
What if you die today, what will you tell ALLAAH??

Taqabbala LLAAHU minnaa wa minkum.

May ALLAAH not let on us punishment of the Last Day. May HE not count us from the categories of those who killed a Prophet
May ALLAAH overlook our shortcomings and make us firm in HIS path. Aameen.

The enjoyment continues.....

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Ma'a Salaam. 

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