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Monday, September 04, 2017

Islamicupdatehub: Biography of Imam Malik (ra) [Part 2]

Some of His Aqeedah: Imaam Malik believed that the Qur'an, which is the last message of Allah, was Ghair Makhluq, not a creation. He also believed that Allah SWT is on His Throne just as he has described in the Qur'an. He believed that Allah SWT has the knowledge of everything and that the believers will see Him with their eyes on the Day of Judgment. He believed that Imaan (faith) is to declare it by mouth, and is manifested through actions that will increase by obedience and decrease by committing sins. He believed that anyone who uses abusive language against the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) should be given death and that repentance should not avail them. He believed that Hadhrat Abu Bakr and Umar (Radhi Allahu Anhuma) were the best in the Ummah after the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) and that those who follow the beliefs of the Qadriyyah Sect, prayer is not valid behind them and their women can not be married.

His love for Madinah: Even when the Imaam attained old age and became very weak he never rode on an animal in Madinah his entire life. He understood that it was against the respect of Madinah to ride on the very land that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is buried in. Imaam Shaf'iee (RA) says, "I saw at the door of Imaam Malik's home beautiful horses from Khurasaan and Egyptian Mules. So I said to him they were very nice. He said they are yours as a gift from me. I said that you should keep one for yourself. His reply was that I am embarrassed to do so! How can I ride on them when the body of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is buried here in Madinah and the land is being rode on with the hooves of horses?

Some Saying about Him by Other Scholars

Mus'ab Zubairi - Imaam Malik was reliable, safeguarded, trustworthy in Hadith, a great scholar, jurist, proof-bearer, and god-fearing man.

Yahya bin Mu'een - He is the Ameerul-Mumineen in Hadith.

Yahya bin Sa'eed al-Qattan - He is the Ameerul-Mumineen in Hadith.

Abdur-Rahman bin Mahdi - There is no more trustworthy in Hadith Nabawi on the face of this earth than Imaam Malik.

Abdur-Rahman bin Mahdi - Sufyaan Thawri is the Imaam of Hadith not the Imaam of Sunnah whlie Auwzaa'ee is the Imaam of Sunnah not the Imaam of Hadith, but Imaam Malik in the Imaam of Hadith and the Imaam of Sunnah.

Imaam Abu Hanifah - I have never seen anyone more fast understanding, correct answering, and test-taking than Imaam Malik.

Imaam Shaf'iee - After the Tabi'een Imaam Malik is the Proof-Bearer on this entire earth for or against all of the people.

Imaam Shaf'iee - Knowledge is encircled by three men: Malik bin Anas, Sufyaan bin Uyainah, and Laith bin Sa'ad.

Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal - I was asked whose Hadith should be memorized by heart if from anyone? I replied Malik bin Anas.

Imaam Bukhaari - I was asked what is the most authentic chain of narrators. I replied from Malik from Nafi' from Ibn Umar (Radhi Allahu Anhu).

Imaam Nasai - After the Tabi'een the most understanding, reliable, trustworthy, man in Hadith is Imaam Malik. He has hardly never narrated from a weak narrator apart from Abu Umayyah Abdul-Kareem who is Matrook.

Imaam Ahmed, Tirmizi, Nasai, and Haakim have all reported in a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (Radhi Allahu Anhu) that he said, "The time has come near that people will travel by camels in search for religious knowledge and they will not find a greater scholar than who is in Madinah." Sufyaan bin Uyainah says that the scholar of Madinah upon which the Hadith indicates is none other than Imaam Malik.

His Demise: The great Imaam reached the age of 84 or 86 or 87 or 90 years when he became ill on a Sunday and this illness continued to get worse for three weeks until on the 11th or 14th of Rabi-al-Awwal 179 A.H. he passed away. He was buried in the famous graveyard in Madinah called Jannatul-Baqee.

His Children: The great Imaam left behind three sons: Yayha, Muhammad, and Hammad. His remaining wealth that was inherited was 3300 dinaars.

Books Written by Imaam Malik: Imaam Malik wrote many books that can be referred to in the introduction of Oujasul-Masaalik (commentary of Muwatta Imaam Malik). Muwatta Imaam Malik is the first Hadith work after the Qur'an arranged into juristic Sections and organized accordingly. Imaam Bukhaari's Saheeh is secondary to the work of Imaam Malik in this regards. Then after these two (Imaam Malik and Imaam Bukhaari) others followed, like Imaam Muslim and Imaam Tirmizi, who based there books upon theirs. (Allamah Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi).


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Ma'a Salaam

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